Precious Caves in Northeast Bulgaria Get Destroyed by Car Thieves, Sheep Herders, Treasure Hunters
Numerous caves in the Ruse District in Northeast Bulgaria, which are valuable from an archaeological and environmental point of view, have been damaged by locals who have “utilized” them as car part hideouts, cattle and sheep barns, and camping places,…
Top 20: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in May 2019
Following are the 20 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the month of May 2019.

Grand Opening of World’s Largest Historical Park Set for June 22 near Bulgaria’s Black Sea City Varna
The world’s largest “Historical Park” for cultural tourism, education, and entertainment purposes, which is located in the town of Neofit Rilski, near the Black Sea city of Varna in Northeast Bulgaria, is going to be officially opened on June 22,…

7,600-Year-Old Mother’s Grave from Early Neolithic Discovered in Slatina Settlement in Bulgaria’s Sofia
A 7,600-year-old grave, most probably of a mother buried with her child, from the Early Neolithic has been discovered by archaeologists excavating the prehistoric Slatina Settlement in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia.

Late Bronze Age Settlement Discovered in Northwest Bulgaria in Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline Rescue Digs
A settlement originally dating back to the Late Bronze Age, which was also subsequently inhabited in the Thracian and Roman Antiquity, and the Middle Age, has been discovered by archaeologists near Rasovo in Northwest Bulgaria during rescue excavation on the…

Invaluable Magura Cave with Prehistoric Drawings Vandalized with Scrawls in Northwest Bulgaria
The Magura Cave in Northwest Bulgaria featuring invaluable prehistoric cave drawings from as early as 8,000 – 6,000 BC, a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, has been vandalized with scrawls by unknown persons.

World’s Largest ‘Historical Park’ to Be Opened near Bulgaria’s Black Sea City Varna in Spring 2019
A “Historical Park” for cultural tourism, education, and entertainment purposes described as “the world’s largest and first of its kind” by its creators is going to open doors in the spring of 2019 in the town of Neofit Rilski, near…

Bulgaria’s Nikopol to Build Fishing Settlements from Paleolithic till Middle Ages in New Danube Archaeological Park
An archaeological park with a total of five fishing settlements recreating fishermen’s in the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), Chalcolithic (Copper Age, Aeneolithic), the Bronze Age, the Roman Antiquity, and the Middle Ages will be built by the Danube town of…

Bulgaria’s National History Museum Extends Exhibition of 2018 Archaeological Discoveries
Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in Sofia has extended by one month its exhibition showcasing for the first time artifacts discovered by its own archaeologists during the 2018 archaeological season.

Bulgarian Archaeologist Joins ‘Prehistoric’ Black Sea, Mediterranean Voyage with Reed Boat Built by Uru from Lake Titicaca
Teodor Rokov, an archeologist from the Varna Museum of Archaeology, will represent Bulgaria in the ABORA IV expedition exploring the prehistoric contacts of the civilizations in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean through an experimental voyage with a reed…

Europe’s Largest Hoard of Copper Age Axes, Ax Hammers Discovered in Northeast Bulgaria
A hoard of 6,500-year-old Copper Age axes and ax hammers – Europe’s largest such find so far – has been discovered by accident near the town of Polkovnik Taslakovo, Dulovo Municipality, Silistra District, in Northeast Bulgaria.

5 Incredible Underwater Discoveries by Black Sea MAP in Bulgaria’s Zone: From Ancient Sunken Ships to the Biblical Deluge
2018 was the third and last year of the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (Black Sea M.A.P.), an international research endeavor which has made previously unimaginable underwater archaeology discoveries, in terms of ancient sunken ships and not only, in Bulgaria’s…

Top 50: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in Calendar Year 2018
Following are the 50 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the calendar year of 2018.

Top 25: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in Fourth Quarter 2018
Following are the 25 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the fourth quarter of 2018.

Top 20: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in December 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the month of December 2018.

Famous 7.2-Million-Year-Old Pre-Human Tooth Found by 10-Year-Old, Shown First Time Ever by Paleontology Museum in Bulgaria’s Chirpan
The already world famous 7.24-million-year-old tooth of a pre-human species, Graecopithecus freybergi, discovered near Chirpan, Stara Zagora District, in Southern Bulgaria, has been showcased for the public for the first time ever by the Chirpan Musem of Paleontology.

Top 20: Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in November 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories with you, the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com, during the month of November 2018.

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in October 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of October 2018.

Discovery of 8,000-Year-Old Veiled Mother Goddess near Bulgaria’s Vidin ‘Pushes Back’ Neolithic Revolution in Europe
Part of a ceramic figurine depicting the head of the Mother Goddess, the earliest deity of Europe’s first agriculturalists, has been discovered by archaeologists in an 8,000-year-old Early Neolithic prehistoric settlement near the town of Mayor Uzunovo, Vidin District, close…

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in the Third Quarter of 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com from July 1 until September 30, 2018, i.e. during the third quarter of 2018.

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in August 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of August 2018.

13th Century Woman Buried in Bulgaria’s Rahovets Fortress Had 12,000-Year-Old Gene Mutation of Europe’s Last Hunter-Gatherers
A 13th century woman, whose grave was discovered in 2017 in the Antiquity and medieval Rahovets Fortress in Central North Bulgaria, has turned to carry a 12,000-year-old gene mutation from Europe’s last nomads, hunter-gatherers who wandered through the continent as…

Chalcolithic Necropolis of World’s Oldest Gold Treasure Left Dilapidated in Bulgaria’s Black Sea City Varna
The Varna Chalcolithic Necropolis where the world’s oldest gold treasure was discovered, the impressive Varna Gold Treasure from the 5th millennium BC, has been left dilapidated and unrecognizable for tourists in spite of promises by the local authorities it is…

6,500-Year-Old Skeleton Discovered in Chalcolithic Settlement with Pottery Workshop near Bulgaria’s Suvorovo
The 6,500-year-old skeleton who inhabited what was a Chalcolithic (Aeneolithic, Copper Age) settlement with a pottery workshop have been discovered by archaeologists near the town of Suvorovo in Northeast Bulgaria.

Restored Model of 6,000-Year-Old Prehistoric Loom with Pre-Alphabetic Signs on Weights Shown in Bulgaria’s Gorna Oryahovitsa
A restored model of a prehistoric loom featuring replicas of real 6,000-year-old loom weights decorated with what seem to be pre-alphabetic writing signs has been showcased by the Museum of History in Bulgaria’s Gorna Oryahovitsa.

‘Unusually Tall’ Skeleton, Severed Arm Found in 4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Burial Mound near Bulgaria’s Black Sea Coast
The skeleton of a Bronze Age man who was untypically tall for his time has been discovered in a 4,000-year-old burial mound by archaeologists near Bulgaria’s Black Sea town of Primorsko, with the grave also containing the arm of another…

Weird Prehistoric ‘Space Rocket’ Artifact from Bulgaria’s Telish Remains Mystery as Renewed Research Finds No Matches
An extremely odd prehistoric artifact found in a Chalcolithic (Aeneolithic, Copper Age) settlement from 5,000 BC near Telish in Northwest Bulgaria, which has conditionally been known as a clay model of a “rocket” or a “space ship”, has no archaeological…

Archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov: Destruction of Europe’s Chalcolithic Civilization Shows the Stronger Triumps over the Smarter in World History (Interview Part 2)
Ventsislav (“Ventsi”) Gergov is a Bulgarian archaeologist. He was born in Iskar, Pleven District, in 1946. He majored in archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, and joined the team of the Pleven Regional Museum of History…

Archaeologist Ventsislav Gergov: Chalcolithic Civilization from 7,000 Years Ago Was the Height of Southeast Europe, Bulgaria (Interview, Part 1)
Ventsislav (“Ventsi”) Gergov is a Bulgarian archaeologist. He was born in Iskar, Pleven District, in 1946. He majored in archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”, and joined the team of the Pleven Regional Museum of History…

ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com Reaches 5,000 Fans on Facebook
On Saturday, May 12, 2018, ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com has reached the milestone of 5,000 fans on Facebook!

ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com Publishes Its 1,000th News Article
On Tuesday, May 1, 2018, ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com has published its news article No. 1,000! Our 1,000th news article happens to be one about an intriguing recent discovery made by Bulgarian archaeologists, not unlike so many more of our other articles: 303…

Top 20 of the Most Popular Stories on ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com in April 2018
Following are the 20 most popular stories among the readers of ArchaeologyinBulgaria.com during the month of April 2018. The Top 20 stories are ranked by number of reads, from the highest to the lowest. Not all of them were written…

5th Millenium BC Prehistoric Settlement near Bulgaria’s Pomorie Was Much Larger Than Known Settlement Mound, Archaeologists Find
The prehistoric settlement known as Kozareva Mogila (“Goat Mound”) near Bulgaria’s Black Sea resort of Pomorie, which dates back to the 5th millenium BC, i.e. the Chalcolithic (Aeneolithic, Copper Age), was substantially larger than the settlement mound known and visible…

Museum of Sofia History to Open Its 4th Annual ‘Archaeology of Sofia Region’ Exhibition with Latest Finds from Bulgaria’s Capital
The Museum of Sofia History, a municipal cultural institute of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, also formally known as the Sofia Regional Museum of History, is set to open its 4th annual exhibition showcasing the latest archaeological discoveries in the city…

8 Marvelous Artifacts from Exotic Places Discovered by Archaeologists in Bulgaria Recently and How They Got There
Some of the most stunning archaeological finds are artifacts which were discovered at a certain location but originated in distant, and, to put it that way, exotic places, having somehow made their way thousands of kilometers or miles away in…