Antiquity Treasures – Ancient Thrace

Rogozen Treasure (Silver & Gold) – Vratsa, Bulgaria

Nikopol Treasure ('First' & 'Second' Nikopol Treasures)

Nikopol Treasure (‘First’ & ‘Second’ Nikopol Treasures)

The Nikopol Treasure is a medieval Bulgarian treasure from the period of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396). It was discovered near the Danube town of Nikopol by accident on two separate occasions – in 1915 and 1971.

Medieval Treasures

Nikopol Treasure (“First” and “Second” Nikopol Treasures)


Prehistory Treasures Antiquity Treasures – Ancient Thrace Rogozen Treasure (Silver & Gold) – Vratsa, Bulgaria Medieval Treasures Nikopol Treasure (“First” and “Second” Nikopol Treasures)

Archaeology in Bulgaria. and Beyond